Tuesday, March 31, 2020

D&C 25

Here are the next parts of Doctrine and Covenants 25.

Verse 3
It reads, "Behold, thy sins are forgiven thee, ...". We all can have our sins forgiven. We need prayer with a sincere heart. We will know if our sins are forgiven by the calm feeling we receive. This is the Holy Ghost. Our Heavenly Father and Jesus loves us very much. They want us to be happy so they give us the opportunity to repent of our sins.

Verse 9
It states Emma will be given callings in the church. We might receive callings in the church too. It doesn't matter how big or small it is. What matters is we are serving the Lord and helping others too.

Verse 10
It states "...lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better." We do not need to do what the world does. We don't need to follow what the world does. We can be an example. Others will look up to us if we do what is right. They will want to do better because of example that you show them.

Verses 11-12
In these verses it talks about hymns and the importance of them. Songs are so important to everyone. It makes us happy as individuals and as a group. It cheers us when we are sad. We feel happier when we listen or sing songs. In verse 11 Emma was commanded "to make a selection of sacred hymns". It states in verse 12, "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me". The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has lots of hymns. It is important to us as members of the church as it was to the first members of the church.

Verse 13
We need to keep our covenants with the Lord just like Emma and Joseph Smith did.

Verse 14
We need to be meek and we need to be aware of pride like Emma was told.

Verse 15
We need to continue to be keep the commandments and be righteous in all that we do. The Celestial kingdom is a place to strive to live after we die.

I Will Bring the Light of the Gospel into My Home

See: President Nelson's Challenge: Spiritual Treasures

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