Sunday, April 12, 2020

Jesus Christ

I posted the following on my Facebook account and thouoght I would share it on my blog too.

(Posted on Facebook on April 11, 2020)
I was reading at Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2020 - February 10-6 (2 Nephi 6-10) the following, "...Nephites—“who believed in the warnings and the revelations of God”—and the Lamanites, who did not (2 Nephi 5:6). In these circumstances, Jacob, who was Nephi's younger brother and now ordained as a teacher for the Nephites, wanted the covenant people to know that God would never forget them, so they must never forget Him. This is a message we surely need in our own world, where covenants are belittled and revelation rejected. “Let us remember him, … for we are not cast off. … Great are the promises of the Lord,” he declared (2 Nephi 10:20–21)...

This is what I thought when I read the above. I typed the following down last night when it came into my mind. "God won’t forget us and we should not forget Him."  I guess I was suppose to read this lesson at this time (since there is a time for things to happen). He won't forget us. He will listen to our prayers. Our Savior, Jesus Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. We should take His example and pray to our Heavenly Father every day of our lives. He will hear the prayers of his people. He will answer those prayers. He will answer all the prayers of those that fasted for yesterday (even small children) that were sent to heaven from around the world. Continue to pray (even if you didn't have a chance to fast yesterday). A single prayer is worth everything. Remember Him. He loves you.

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